Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year's Eve Report

Lisbeth, postical sleep. Milkweed and "The Hurt Feeling Bear" keeping watch. Three grand mals this week. A neurologist once compared the energy expended in one grand mal seizure to playing an entire football game.

Lisbeth craves "chadder cheese" after a seizure.

Milkweed likes "chadder cheese," too...

Those eyes. All knowing Milkweed. Bless her little kitty heart.

Lisbeth is chronologically thirty years old, and emotionally six, the age she was when she suffered the brain injury.

Lisbeth has had a rough week. We had to increase the Benadryl because she was having more insomnia, and even with the increase she hasn't been sleeping again. The Benadryl is drying out her eyes and might be causing more seizure activity to boot. We will be talking with her psychiatrist next week about an alternative sleep aid. And the psych nurse has recommended Cogentin for the EPS, to replace the Benadryl. Always this juggling act of trial and error.

I am grateful to all the good folks and critters who help to care for Lisbeth. She's such a trooper!

Here's to a Happy & Healthy 2012, All!