Holly Spence, Lisbeth's house manager, checks Lisbeth's schedule, while Heather D'Alessio, one of Lisbeth's helpers, looks at the calendar.

Heather D'Alessio, and Duane Hinds, Lisbeth's case manager from Maine Department of Health and Human Services.

Christina Hinds, Lisbeth's case manager from Independence Association, makes notes about Lisbeth's goal list.
Milkweed oversees the meeting...

Lisbeth and her Dad. Lisbeth looks forward to her quarterly meetings, and gives her input.

Quarterly meeting is over. Now it is time to go to see
The Meeting Doctor (
Lis-ism for therapist).
This morning we had Lisbeth's quarterly meeting. Representatives from
Independence Association and
Maine Department of Health and Human Services attend these meetings along with Lisbeth, Garry and I. We check in about how things are going for
Lis at her house, we share our ideas and concerns, and set goals. We are currently working on creating more of a routine for Lisbeth, which is always a challenge with the ups and downs caused by her uncontrolled seizures. But we are looking at things that she already loves to do and turning them into planned weekly activities.
Lis loves to bake, so she will be baking items one day a week and delivering them to the IA office for the help there to enjoy. There are weekly potlucks for IA residents, and
Lis will be making a salad one day a week for these events. We are re-exploring the possibility of a small part-time job in the community - perhaps one hour a week. Lisbeth actually attended an IA dance last Friday! This is a big step - she has
alot of social anxiety. There are monthly dances, and it would be great if she could attend more of them. She loves to buy new clothes, so a motivating factor would be to shop for a new outfit each month to wear to the dances (and she can afford it with her sales in her
Etsy shop!
:^) Lisbeth is in need of more socialization, yet it is very difficult to get her to do things because of her anxiety. We have to introduce things gradually. And nothing is ever set in cement. Go with the flow and know when to let go. If it works on some days, terrific. If it doesn't, that's OK, too. Tomorrow is always another day.